LANNA students consistently perform extremely well in the annual external examinations set by Cambridge (CIE) and Edexcel. These external examinations are set and graded by UK examiners and allow us to see how well our students are progressing as they move through the school. We believe external testing helps us to raise our academic standards and are a vital part of our educational philosophy.

For the academic year 2022-23, we are once again very proud of our students’ successes at all levels. At the highest level, our A Level students did incredibly well with a 99% pass rate. Our A Level Maths and Science students performed particularly well with 46% achieving A* or A in Mathematics; 44% with A* or A in Sciences; 46% with A* in Physics; and 55% with A* or A in Computer Science. At IGCSE level, we are equally proud of our pass rate of 99.7%, with 84.8% achieving C’s or better. Of these, 39% achieved an A* or A. Again, all of our IGCSE students excelled in maths and sciences with more than 25% of our students achieving A* grades in these crucial subjects.

Cambridge A level (17 to 18 years)

2022-2023 pass rate 98.9%
2021-2022 pass rate 100%
2020-2021 pass rate 100%
2019-2020 pass rate 100%
2018-2019 pass rate 93.7%
2017-2018 pass rate 100%
2016-2017 pass rate 87.6%
2015-2016 pass rate 92.5%
2014-2015 pass rate 97.3%

Cambridge AS level (16 to 17 years)

2022-2023 pass rate 88.03%
2021-2022 pass rate 92.86%
2020-2021 pass rate 99%
2019-2020 pass rate 99.2%
2018-2019 pass rate 92.5%
2017-2018 pass rate 91.7%
2016-2017 pass rate 94.9%
2015-2016 pass rate 78%
2014-2015 pass rate 85.7%

Cambridge Secondary IGCSE (14 to 16 years)

2022-2023 pass rate 99.7% (38.99% A* and A Grade)
2021-2022 pass rate 100% (40.23% A* and A Grade)
2020-2021 pass rate 91.5% (44.8% A* and A Grade)
2019-2020 pass rate 94.8% (43.7% A* and A Grade)
2018-2019 pass rate 79% (30.6% A* and A Grade)
2017-2018 pass rate 88% (35.6% A* and A Grade)
2016-2017 pass rate 96.7% (24.6% A* and A Grade)
2015-2016 pass rate 85% (39.8% A* and A Grade)
2014-2015 pass rate 81% (21% A* and A Grade)

Primary School

What do the ISA’s show?

In all three core subjects, Lanna International School has exceeded the average achievement globally, when compared to all international schools and similar international schools. In this context ‘similar’ refers to the size and demographics of a school.

How do the assessments work?

Students complete a reading literacy test, a mathematical literacy test and two writing tests, each of which takes between 45 minutes and one hour to administer.  The tests include both multiple-choice and open-ended tasks.

What is the ISA?

International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) is an annual assessment programme that has been specially developed to measure skills in mathematical literacy, reading and writing of students in international schools. ISA is based on the internationally endorsed reading and mathematical  frameworks of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Who uses the ISA?

A growing number of international schools now use ISA, including many of the acknowledged world leaders in international education.